(Última actualización: 15/02/2024)


Aguilar-Latorre A, Oliván-Blázquez B, Algorta GP, Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Olszewski LE, Turón-Lanuza A. One-year follow-up of the effectiveness of a lifestyle modification programme as an adjuvant treatment of depression in primary care: A randomised clinical trial. J Affect Disord. 2023 Jul 1;332:231–7.




Aguiló Juanola MC, López González ÁA, Tomás Gil P, Paublini Oliveira HJ, Tárraga López PJ, Ramírez Manent JI. Influence of tobacco consumption on the values of different overweight and obesity scales in 418,343 spanish people. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):111–7



Agustí A, Sisó-Almirall A, Roman-Rodríguez M, Vogelmeier CF, Anzueto A, Barnes P, et al. Gold 2023: Highlights for primary care. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med 2023;33.



Alonso-Bernáldez M, Palou-March A, Zamanillo-Campos R, Palou A, Palou M, Serra F. A Diet Profiling Algorithm (DPA) to Rank Diet Quality Suitable to Implement in Digital Tools-A Test Study in a Cohort of Lactating Women. Nutrients. 2023 Mar 9;15(6):1337.




Altisench Jané B, Ramírez Manent JI, Tomás Gil P, Martí Lliteras P, Coll Villalonga JL, López González ÁA. Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on cardiometabolic risk scales in Adults: A before and after Pandemic Lockdown Longitudinal Study. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38:78–84.



Arias-Fernández M, Fresneda S, Abbate M, Torres-Carballo M, Huguet-Torres A, Sánchez-Rodríguez C, et al. Fatty Liver Disease in Patients with Prediabetes and Overweight or Obesity. Metabolites. 2023 Apr 1;13(4).



Ariel A, Barnes PJ, Maricoto T, Román-Rodríguez M, Powell A, Quint JK. Rational use of inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of COPD: a plain language summary. J Comp Eff Res. 2023 Dec 1;12(12): :e230136.



Arranz Izquierdo J, Molero García JM, Gutiérrez Pérez MI. Manejo desde atención primaria de la infección por la viruela del mono (MPOX) en humanos. Aten Primaria. 2023 Oct 1;55(10).




Arturo López-González A, Tomás-Gil P, Lluis Coll Villalonga J, Martí-Lliteras P, María González H, Miguel S, et al. (Ramírez-Manent JI). Correlation between overweight and obesity scales and blood pressure values in 418.343 Spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(3):44–51.



Celada Roldán C, López Díez J, Cerezuela MÁ, Rider Garrido F, Tárraga Marcos A, Tárraga López PJ, et al. (López González ÁA, Ramírez Manent JI). Efectos cardiovasculares de una intervención educativa nutricional en pacientes diabéticos con mal control. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):57–65.




Chela-Alvarez X, Garcia-Buades ME, Ferrer-Perez VA, Bulilete O, Llobera J. Work-family conflict among hotel housekeepers in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Kushitor SB, editor. PLoS One. 2023 Mar 29;18(3):e0269074.



Costa JA, Rodriguez-Trabal C, Pareja I, Tur A, Mambié M, Fernandez-Hidalgo M, et al. P-Wave Axis of Schoolchildren Who Were Once Breastfed. Children (Basel). 2023 Jul 1;10(7).



de Dios-Rodríguez E, Patino-Alonso C, González-Sánchez S, Tamayo-Morales O, Ripoll J, Mora-Simón S, Unzueta-Arce J, Gómez-Marcos MA, García-Ortiz L, Rodríguez-Sánchez E. Promoting Physical Activity in a Primary Care Practice in People Living with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(9).



Ferrer MD, Reynés C, Monserrat-Mesquida M, Quetglas-Llabrés M, Bouzas C, García S, et al. (Ugarriza L). Polyunsaturated and Saturated Oxylipin Plasma Levels Allow Monitoring the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Progression to Severe Stages. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Mar 1;12(3).




Garcia-Toro M, Aguilar-Latorre A, Garcia A, Navarro-Guzmán C, Gervilla E, Seguí A, et al. (Serrano-Ripoll MJ). Mindfulness skills and experiential avoidance as therapeutic mechanisms for treatment-resistant depression through mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and lifestyle modification. Front Psychol. 2023 Mar 9;14.




García Vallejo O, Aicart Bort MD, Babiano Fernández M, Caballer Rodilla J, Cabrera Ferriols M, Carrasco Carrasco E, et al. Recomendaciones sobre enfermedad tromboembólica venosa en procesos oncológicos. Una visión desde la medicina de familia. Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN. 2023 Oct 1;49(7). ​​ 



Gómez-Gómez I, Motrico E, Moreno-Peral P, Casajuana-Closas M, López-Jiménez T, Zabaleta-del-Olmo E, et al. A multiple health behaviour change intervention to prevent depression: A randomized controlled trial. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2023 May;82.



González LR, Iborra FJG, Pérez MG, Vázquez RO, Cabanillas PC, Morey NG. Enfermera Gestora de Casos de Enfermería en pandemia covid-19: derivación a rehabilitación domiciliaria y resultados funcionales. Tesela, Liderazgo y Gestión 2023:e14359–e14359.




González-Herrera A, Pujol-Ribera E, Esteva M, Ruiz-Marcos L, March S. Colorectal cancer: a qualitative study of coping strategies used by survivors, with associated social determinants. Arch Public Health. 2023 Dec 1;81(1).



Hajdarevic S, Högberg C, Marzo-Castillejo M, Siliņa V, Sawicka-Powierza J, Esteva M, et al. Why do European primary care physicians sometimes not think of, or act on, a possible cancer diagnosis? A qualitative study. BJGP Open. 2023 Jun 28;BJGPO.2023.0029.



Jover M, González L, Arturo Á, Gil T, Villalonga C, Lluis J, et al. (Ramírez-Manent JI). Association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease risk scales and metabolic syndrome scales in 418.343 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(2):130–6.



Kocks J, Bosnic-Anticevich S, van Cooten J, Correia de Sousa J, Cvetkovski B, Dekhuijzen R, et al. (Garcia Pardo M, Roman-Rodríguez M). Identifying critical inhalation technique errors in Dry Powder Inhaler use in patients with COPD based on the association with health status and exacerbations: findings from the multi-country cross-sectional observational PIFotal study. BMC Pulm Med. 2023 Dec 1;23(1).



López-González ÁA, Albaladejo Blanco M, Vidal Ribas C, Tomás-Gil P, Riutord Sbert P, Ramírez-Manent JI. Determination of the Level of Cardiovascular Risk in 172,282 Spanish Working Women. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Sep 1;13(17).



López-González ÁA, González San Miguel HM, Arroyo Bote S, Riutord Sbert P, Rigo Vives MDM, Ramírez Manent JI. Determination of cardiovascular risk in Spanish veterinarians using different scaling methods. Rev Bras Med Trab. 2023;21(1):e2023826.



Lorente-Montalvo P, Cañellas MA, Carandell E, Esteva M. Servicios específicos de atención sanitaria para población pediátrica durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en Baleares (España). Aten Primaria. 2023 Jun;102700.



Lugones-Sánchez C, Santos-Mínguez S, Salvado R, González-Sánchez S, Tamayo-Morales O, Hoya-González A, et al. (Ramírez Manent JI). Lifestyles, arterial aging, and its relationship with the intestinal and oral microbiota (MIVAS III study): a research protocol for a cross-sectional multicenter study. Front Public Health. 2023 Jun 29;11:1164453.




Madrona Marcos F, Moya Moya A, Tárraga Marcos L, Ignacio Ramirez-Manent J, Tomás-Gil P, Riutord Sbert P, et al. Revisión Sistemática de la relación entre el dolor por infección herpes zóster y la calidad de vida de los sujetos que viven en la comunidad. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(4):119–24.




Manzanero Fernández RZ, López González ÁA, Tomás Gil P, Paublini Oliveira HJ, Martínez Jover A, Ramírez Manent JI. Estimation of cardiometabolic risk in 25.030 Spanish kitchen workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):101–10.




Martín-Rioboó E, Brotons-Cuixart C, Ruiz García A, Villafañe Sanz F, Frías Vargas M, Moyá Amengual A, et al. Luces y sombras de la Guía Europea esc-2021 de Prevención de la Enfermedad Cardiovascular en la Práctica Clínica. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2023 Aug 16;97.




Martínez Almoyna Rifá E, Tomás Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Ramírez Manent JI, Martí Lliteras P, López González ÁA. Relationship between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis risk scales and various cardiometabolic risk scales in 219.477 Spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(5):138–45.




Martínez Almoyna Rifá E, Tomás Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Ramírez Manent JI, Martí Lliteras P, López González ÁA. Relationship between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis risk scales with overweight and obesity scales in 219,477 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(4):92–100.



Martínez-Almoyna Rifá E, Tomás-Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Ramírez-Manent JI, Martí-Lliteras P, López-González ÁA. Relationship between values of 7 NAFLD scales and different RCV scales in 219,477 Spanish workers. 2023;38(4):52–9.



Martínez Almoyna Rifá E, Tomás Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Ramírez Manent JI, Riera Routon K, López González ÁA. Variables that influence the values of 7 scales that determine the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis in 219,477 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(4):9–16.



Martínez Jover A, López González ÁA, Tomás Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Martí Lliteras P, Ramírez Manent JI. Variables influencing the appearance of metabolic syndrome with three different definitions in 418.343 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(4):129–35.



Mestre Font M, Busquets-Cortés C, Ramírez-Manent JI, Tomás-Gil P, Paublini H, López-González ÁA. Influence of Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits on the Values of Insulin Resistance Indicators in 386,924 Spanish Workers. Nutrients. 2023 Dec 1;15(24).



Mishra A, Zhou B, Rodriguez-Martinez A, Bixby H, Singleton RK, Carrillo-Larco RM, et al.  (Rigo F, Torrent M). Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development. Nature 2023;615:874–83.



Moliner-Calderón E, Verd S, Leiva A, Ginovart G, Moll-McCarthy P, Figueras-Aloy J. The role of human milk feeds on inotrope use in newborn infants with sepsis. Front Pediatr. 2023;11. 



Montero Muñoz N, López González ÁA, Tomás Gil P, Martínez Jover A, Paublini Oliveira HJ, Ramírez Manent JI. Relationship between sociodemographic variables and tobacco consumption with vascular age values using the Framinghan model in 336,450 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(5):61–6.




Monserrat-Mesquida M, Bouzas C, García S, Quetglas-Llabrés MM, Mateos D, Ugarriza L, et al. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Dietary Emissions Are Related to Oxidative and Inflammatory Status in Adult Population. Nutrients. 2023 Dec 1;15(24).




Monserrat-Mesquida M, Quetglas-Llabrés MM, Bouzas C, Pastor O, Ugarriza L, Llompart I, et al. Plasma Fatty Acid Composition, Oxidative and Inflammatory Status, and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet of Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Aug 1;12(8).




Moreno Sancho ML, Pou Bordoy J, Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Unda F. Estudio cualitativo a través de grupos focales sobre la factibilidad de una intervención en automanejo de la Hipertensión Arterial. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(5):129–37.



Moyá-Amengual A, Ruiz-García A, Pallarés-Carratalá V, Serrano-Cumplido A, Prieto-Díaz MÁ, Segura-Fragoso A, et al. Elevated pulse pressure and cardiovascular risk associated in Spanish population attended in primary care: IBERICAN study. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023;10. ​​ 




Moyá-Amengual A, Ruiz-García A, Serrano-Cumplido A. La enfermedad cardiovascular en la mujer.  Un fenotipo diferente. ​​SEMERGEN. 2023;1-14




Pallarés-Carratalá V, Ruiz-García A, Serrano-Cumplido A, Arranz-Martínez E, Divisón-Garrote JA, Moyá-Amengual A, et al. Prevalence Rates of Arterial Hypertension According to the Threshold Criteria of 140/90 or 130/80 mmHg and Associated Cardiometabolic and Renal Factors: SIMETAP-HTN Study. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Oct 1;59(10).




Parvanova A, Abbate M, Yañez AM, Bennasar-Veny M, López-González ÁA, Ramírez-Manent JI, et al. MAFLD and glomerular hyperfiltration in subjects with prediabetes, visceral obesity and “preserved” kidney function: A cross-sectional study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Jul 1;201.



Paublini H, López González AA, Busquets-Cortés C, Tomas-Gil P, Riutord-Sbert P, Ramírez-Manent JI. Relationship between Atherogenic Dyslipidaemia and Lipid Triad and Scales That Assess Insulin Resistance. Nutrients. 2023 May 1;15(9).



Peiró Morant JF, Ramírez Torres JM, Pérez Vázquez E, Lozano Bouzón VM, Parra Valderrama A, Frías Vargas M. Conocimiento de la enfermedad venosa crónica en los profesionales sanitarios en España. Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN. 2023 Nov 1;49(8).



Personat Labrador A, Planas Juan T, Pérez Martín MÁ, Ruiz Armengol P, Carrión García VM, Ramos Monserrat MJ. Vulnerabilidad sobrevenida. El impacto social de la Covid-19. Revista ROL de enfermería. 2023;46(7):9-17.



Quetglas-Llabrés MM, Monserrat-Mesquida M, Bouzas C, Llompart I, Mateos D, Casares M, et al. (Ugarriza L). Mediterranean Diet Improves Plasma Biomarkers Related to Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Process in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Apr 1;12(4).




Quetglas-Llabrés MM, Monserrat-Mesquida M, Bouzas C, Mateos D, Ugarriza L, Gómez C, et al. Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Biomarkers Are Related to High Intake of Ultra-Processed Food in Old Adults with Metabolic Syndrome. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Aug 1;12(8).




Ramírez Manent JI, Belmonte Lomas S, Tárraga Marcos ML, López González ÁA, Gordito Soler M, Tárraga López PJ. Análisis de eficacia de los principales patrones dietéticos en la reducción del riesgo cardiovascular. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023, 38:153–70.



Ramírez-Manent JI, Jover AM, Martinez CS, Tomás-Gil P, Martí-Lliteras P, López-González ÁA. Waist Circumference Is an Essential Factor in Predicting Insulin Resistance and Early Detection of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults. Nutrients. 2023 Jan 1;15(2).



Ramírez-Manent JI, López-González ÁA, Tomás-Gil P, Riutord-Sbert P, Garrido-Sepulveda L, Vicente-Herrero MT. Relationship between Abdominal Volume Index and Body Adiposity Index and Scales of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Nov 1;13(21).



Ramírez-Manent JI, Tomás-Gil P, Martí-Lliteras P, Coll Villalonga JL, Martínez-Almoyna Rifá E, López-González ÁA. Dietary Intervention on Overweight and Obesity after Confinement by COVID-19. Nutrients. 2023 Feb 1;15(4).



Ramírez Manent JI, Tomás Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Martí Lliteras P, López González ÁA, Paublini Oliveira HJ. Influence of sociodemographic variables and tobacco consumption on the prevalence of atherogenic dyslipidemia and lipid triad in 418.343 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):84–9.




Ramírez Manent JI, Tomás Gil P, Coll Villalonga JL, Martí Lliteras P, López González ÁA, Paublini Oliveira HJ. Relationship between atherogenic dyslipidemia and lipid triad with scales that assess non alcoholic liver disease in 418,343 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):66–73.




Ricci-Cabello I, Carvallo-Castañeda D, Vásquez-Mejía A, Alonso-Coello P, Saz-Parkinson Z, Parmelli E, et al. Characteristics and impact of interventions to support healthcare providers’ compliance with guideline recommendations for breast cancer: a systematic literature review. Implement Sci. 2023 May 22;18(1):17.



Richardson-Parry A, Baas C, Donde S, Ferraiolo B, Karmo M, Maravic Z, et al. (Ricci-Cabello I). Interventions to reduce cancer screening inequities: the perspective and role of patients, advocacy groups, and empowerment organizations. Int J Equity Health. 2023 Dec 1;22(1).



Sastre Alzamora T, Tomás Gil P, Martí Lliteras P, Pallarés Ferreres L, Ramírez Manent JI, López González ÁA. Estimation of heart age in 139.634 spanish workers: influence of sociodemographic variables and healthy habits and determination of cut-off points. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(2):24–30.



Sastre Alzamora T, Tomás Gil P, Paublini Oliveira HJ, Pallarés Ferreres L, Ramírez Manent JI, López González ÁA. Relationship between different scales of overweight and obesity and heart age values in 139634 spanish workers. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):137–44.



Tárraga López PJ, Iruela Martínez C, Marcos LT, López González A, Ignacio J, Manent R. Novedades de la insuficiencia cardíaca y los inhibidores del cotransportador de sodio-glucosa 2. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38:144–56.



Tárraga Marcos PJ, Cuenca Jiménez E, Onsurbe Ramírez I, González Cortés E, Tárraga López PJ, Ramírez Manent JI, et al. (López González ÁA). Análisis del espectro autista en relación con su valoración en Albacete. Academic Journal of Health Sciences: Medicina Balear. 2023;38(6):9–17.




Verd S. Children First, a Debate on the Restrictions to Tackle COVID-19. Children (Basel). 2023 Feb 1;10(2).


Verd S, Porta R, Ginovart G, Avila-Alvarez A, García-Muñoz Rodrigo F, Izquierdo Renau M, et al. Human Milk Feeding Is Associated with Decreased Incidence of Moderate-Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Extremely Preterm Infants. Children. 2023 Jul 1;10(7).



Vicente-Perez S, Robleda G, Gich I, Nolla T, Ponce-Taylor J, Verd S, et al. Physiological responses and behavioural organization of very low birth weight infants during swaddled versus traditional weighing. Nurs Open. 2023 Oct 1;10(10):6896–902.



Williams S, Barnard A, Collis P, Correia de Sousa J, Ghimire S, Habib M, et al. (Román-Rodríguez M). Remote consultations in primary care across low-, middle- and high-income countries: Implications for policy and care delivery. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2023 Jul 1;28(3):181–9.



Young-Silva Y, Berenguera A, Jacques-Aviñó C, Gil-Girbau M, Arroyo-Uriarte P, Chela-Alvarez X, et al. (Ripoll J). Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of the health services and mortality (DESVELA cohort): qualitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis. Front Public Health. 2023 Jun 9;11.



Zamanillo-Campos R, Fiol-deRoque MA, Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Mira-Martínez S, Ricci-Cabello I. Development and evaluation of DiabeText, a personalized mHealth intervention to support medication adherence and lifestyle change behaviour in patients with type 2 diabetes in Spain: A mixed-methods phase II pragmatic randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Med Inform. 2023 Aug;176:105103.




Zhou B, Sheffer KE, Bennett JE, Gregg EW, Danaei G, Singleton RK, et al. (Rigo F). Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c. Nat Med 2023;29:2885.



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